Special request? We can.
We can even handle individual requirements or wishes in the area of security products such as seals, labels and security labels for you.
Together we can find the right solution for you - contact us!
Our highest aspiration: Quality
At EHA International GmbH, quality is not a matter of chance, but a guarantee. Our certifications speak for themselves: We offer you reliable product quality in every area of performance.
Our certifications at a glance:
DIN 74069 (national)
The DIN 74069 standard certifies the production of license plates and seal-stickers.
ISO 7591 (international)
The ISO 7591 certification is our basis for the production of motor vehicle license plates blanks for international markets. We comply with all the necessary regulations which means that we can offer you certified products.
ISO 9001
Quality management first - Our high-quality standards are also confirmed by ISO 9001. We have been certified by this internationally recognised standard since 1999.
The certification body of TÜV Informationstechnik GmbH certifies our security management system for the storage and delivery of security labelling systems. We meet all requirements and criteria here.
Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA)
The Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA) has also certified us. EHA provides you with security and quality assurance measures for seal-stickers and sticker-covers for internet-based vehicle registration.